Monday, May 31, 2010

Catholic church updates Job interview for priesthood

Catholic church upgrades standards for admission and weeds out potential homosexuals and child abusers from entering priesthood.

Meth usage in pond snails enhance memory

study shows that Snails on meth remember more then sober snails.

Catholic church ignoring abuse charges in speech at Fatima

On the annual vist to Fatima, The spokesman purposefully dodged conversation about the abuse charges.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nuns Open Luxery Spa in Austria

Local nuns in Austria make due by opening a Spa Resort that they spray bad thoguhts away with cold water.

Robotics competition Winners yield amazing results

Competition for robotics showcases interesting uses and demonstrable actions for future robots.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sea Creatures Protest BP Oil Spill

People in new york dressed up as sea cretures to protest the BP oil spill in the gulf.

Friday, May 28, 2010

75 dollar tablet pc

The "One Laptop Per Child" organization is creating new set of devices that will bring a $75 dollar Tablet Pc to every child.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Scientology vs Nevada Politics

Nevadian Politician scrubs references to scientology from her website out of fear of religious intolerance.

Marijuana on California ballot

The motion to legalize Marijuana in California is brought to November 2010 ballot.

911 Help Obama-voters stole my XBOX.

Local man calls 911 about XBOX controlers being stolen, Talks about it being Obama's fault and asks to speak to either a black or female officer. Just a story to ammuse yourself with.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to make a microscopic mountain

Nanobama link;

article link.

Scientists use Microscopic probes to carve mini mountain sculpture,


Family research group says repealing "dont ask dont tell" will increase rape in the millitary.

My Three Christs.

Story of a Psychologist that set up a 3 month get together of three people claiming to be jesus christ. Another one to amuse yourself with.

Black Holes Confuse Scientists