Wednesday, July 14, 2010

New program shows that immigrants are not taking jobs. is offering jobs that are normaly held by illegal immigrants on the farms to citzens. not many takers..
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News reported is reduced to using puppets.

User of Ireport from CNN is using hand puppets
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Gentic alteration can make mice gay.

a certain genetic alteration causes female mice to try to make with other females.
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New antibody against HIV

New HIV antibody blocks %91 of HIV strains
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Google give special treatment to gay employees

Google is giving special treatment to gay people by paying them the difference they would be saving in taxes if they were married.
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Pentagon woried about school kids health.

Military wants to make nitrtion plan for kids at school because they are worried abut having people to fat to fight.
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People dont understand independence day.

%26 percent of USA does not know the hsitory of July 4th
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Friday, July 2, 2010

Computer Designed to Compse music

Meet Emily, the worlds first music composing computer program.
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Robotic paper from pentagon can transform

A self folding origami square was created by the pentagon to eventualy design shape shifting planes and uniforms.

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Amputee Cat gets new metal legs

Newly crafted peg legs grafted to bones to simulate real feet
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Gallup Polls shows increas in gay acceptance

Growth in overall acceptance, but sharp turnaround for several groups
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Monday, June 28, 2010

Expected alien visit on july 4th.

Extra terestrials will be visiting us on the 4th of july, and they wont be happy
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Study shows that fetuses may not feel pain until 24 weeks.

Pain may not be felt by fetus until 24weeks old, but is this just more rationalization for something t hat we know we should not do?
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Arizona boycott is temporarily lifted.

Boycott lifted because redlight cameras are coming from arizona.

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God accused of causing BP oil Spill

Certain group now claiming that the BP oil spill was caused by the "hand of god".
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Thursday, June 24, 2010

New study says that we may have another civil war

Well maybe not a war, but that some states may still end up leaving the nation.
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Anyone want to buy a jetpack?

You can now have what was once only science fiction. a real life jetpack!
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John Paul II about to make his musical debut!

Two preiests have written and directed a musical about the life of the former pope.
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Scientist predicts the end of the world

Dr Fenner says that humans will go extinct in 100 years.

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NY barber kills over buisness

A barber in new york killed because they stole his job.
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Friday, June 18, 2010

Study shows that Marijuana may not be good for Schitzophrenics.

it seems that giving drigs to mental patients may not be very good for them!
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Zombie patients are not allowed to make appointments

A Cancer patient was not allowed to make an appointment with his doctor because his medical records said he was dead.

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US court is critical about tghe motives of prop 8.

Us court official calls for further proof of the validity of the ban on same sex marriage in california

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Kepler accuse of withholding data.

The astronomers are accused of a lack of scientific openness becuase they are attempting to refine their information beofore they make it public.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

chatroulette adpots genital scaning technology

In an attempt to alter their image of being a place to show off your genitals.
They have developed a new software that will detect the male organ in live video and filter it out.

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American Ninja Hunts for Osama

A man from california hunts down osama bin laden with night vision goggles and a sword.
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Digital immortality anyone?

Lifenaut wants to make you immortal by duplicating your mind and making you into an avatar.

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China invets The solar powered Lightbulb.

Yes, a lightbulb that runs off of the sun...
and yet it has some good aplications...
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Arizona wanitng to introduce a ban on anchor babies

Arizona wants to step up the game on immigration once more. it wants to alter the constitution to ban babies from non citizens from getting citizenship.
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Hes not a terrorist he is just stupid

One of the people arrested at the jfk airport for suspected terrorism had his mother for support.
she told reporters that he was not a terrorist, he was just stupid.
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Sunday, June 13, 2010

If you cant smile then you cant know im happy?

It appears that we my not be able to judge emotions without being able to mimic the correct facial expresions...
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LA dodgers hired a psychic...

LA Dodgers hire a psychic to help them win..
apperntly he only seems to have helped out once...
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New car invented that absorbs Carbon dioxide.

A new car was designe in china that can not only help, but reverse the emmsions of CO2 in our atmosphere.

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New tests discover the for "Change blindness"

A new test is done to test ofr change blindness, the way and reason we tend to not notice changes, no matter how large or small
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Friday, June 11, 2010

Pope asks for more celibacy

Pope Asks for more clibacy during a year of scandals and abuse of children. This was during the end events of a year long event dedicated to the sanctity of preists.

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Osama Bin Ladden Found in Iran

According to local news papers in kuwait, Osama has been hiding in Iran and turkey knew about it.

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Finnish Scientist Creates Solar enefy windows.

Michael Gratzel developed an ultra thin solar pannel that can be seen thorugh so that it can replace old sytly windows with electricity generating ones.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Nasa wants to send your picture into outer space for no conceivable reason what so ever!

Mormon church fined.

Mormon Church Fined for not reporting their direct involvemnt and campaigning for prop 8.

RIAA Wins lawsuit against limewire file sharig software

they are fined a total of 1.5 trillion dollars.
Read More....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Scientology is growing in india

Title says it all...
India i thought you were smarter than that.
New discovery of a Roman Gladiator Cemetary found in York England.
Pretty Cool.

Study shows the lesbians make good moms.

Study is showing that Children in Lesbian families come out better then average Children the same age.

Monday, June 7, 2010

BP oil spill is gods fault!?

Yes, People have attibuted the oil spill as an "act of god" and thus not preventable.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Star Trek convention held at vulcan, alberta.

Alberta is hosting the VulCon galaxy quest star trek convention.

First 3d Holgraphic device is invented that uses a projector and a rotating mirror.
Google honors Dennis Gabor's 110th birthday.

Pedophile detecting software distinguishes between adults typing versus childs typing and informs you what age of person you are talking to.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Spray on cure for Premature Ejaculation

A spray has been invented that alows men to last longer in bed!

Pobotic arm controled my Chimpanzee using only it's mind

An experiment in Univerty of pittsburgh trained an ape to control a full funtion robot arm using its mind.

Westboro Funeral picketing is moved to higher courts

Westboro baptist church is being sued for funeral protests, case is being moved to supreme court for decision on freedom of speech trial.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Christian group fights porn addiction

A christian group uses group therapy techniques to fight porn addiction.
Extra source for information on porn addiction.
Click Here

Cage fighter rips the beating heart out of his partner while his partner was still alive.

Possible Vaccine for breast cancer discovered.

A preliminarily test showed that this new vaccine can stop the spread of cancer, and prevent it from even starting.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Nuns Open Luxery Spa in Austria

Local nuns in Austria make due by opening a Spa Resort that they spray bad thoguhts away with cold water.

Robotics competition Winners yield amazing results

Competition for robotics showcases interesting uses and demonstrable actions for future robots.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sea Creatures Protest BP Oil Spill

People in new york dressed up as sea cretures to protest the BP oil spill in the gulf.

Friday, May 28, 2010

75 dollar tablet pc

The "One Laptop Per Child" organization is creating new set of devices that will bring a $75 dollar Tablet Pc to every child.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Scientology vs Nevada Politics

Nevadian Politician scrubs references to scientology from her website out of fear of religious intolerance.

Marijuana on California ballot

The motion to legalize Marijuana in California is brought to November 2010 ballot.

911 Help Obama-voters stole my XBOX.

Local man calls 911 about XBOX controlers being stolen, Talks about it being Obama's fault and asks to speak to either a black or female officer. Just a story to ammuse yourself with.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How to make a microscopic mountain

Nanobama link;

article link.

Scientists use Microscopic probes to carve mini mountain sculpture,


Family research group says repealing "dont ask dont tell" will increase rape in the millitary.

My Three Christs.

Story of a Psychologist that set up a 3 month get together of three people claiming to be jesus christ. Another one to amuse yourself with.

Black Holes Confuse Scientists